-By 2019BA23246


 UN and Peacework


More than 70 years, United nations has been one of the most essential tools at the UN's disposal for conflict mitigation and settlement.

Peacekeeping has unique strengths, including legitimacy, burden sharing, and the ability to deploy and sustain military and police from around the world, integrating them with civilian peacekeepers to advance multiple agendas.

Peacekeeping is shown to be among the finest useful tactics at the UN's disposal for aiding countries with conflict situations in navigating the difficult transition from conflict to peace. UN troops provide security as well as political and peace building assistance to countries during their challenging transition process from conflict to peace. The United Nations Peacekeeping mission embodies three fundamental principles namely the consent of the parties, impartiality, and nonuse of force save in self-defense and defending of the mandate. 

Somalian conflict and the role played by UN/UN peace  keeping missions.

 World Report 2018:Rights Trends in Somalia(2018 January 18).Human Rights Watch.

(n.d.). https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2018/country-chapters/somalia

World Report 2018: Rights Trends in Somalia. (2018, January 18). Human Rights Watch. https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2018/country-chapters/somalia

World Report 2018: Rights Trends in Somalia. (2018, January 18). Human Rights Watch. https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2018/country-chapters/somalia

World Report 2018: Rights Trends in Somalia. (2018, January 18). Human Rights Watch. https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2018/country-chapters/somalia

Somalia is a country where UN peacekeeping efforts has been failed.Somalian civil war is one of the unsolved and oldest conflict in Africa. The rise of several Islamist movements trying to build an Islamic state in Somalia has been a significant feature of the last twenty years. They vary from conservative sufi orders to progressive Islamist organisations, such as Al Itihad Al Islamiya, which pursues a geopolitical goal.





s Trends in Somalia. (2018, January 18). Human Rights Watch. https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2018/country-chapters/somalia

 United Nations peacekeeping efforts are called as UNSOM which means United Nations Operation in Somalia. There were two phases of this operation as UNSOM I and UNSOM II.UNSOM I was operated in 1992 and the goal was to distribute humanitarian aid for Somalia and with little success rate it was ended in 1993.UN also with the USA operated UNITAF which is known as United Task Force and securing environment for relief distribution was their mission. This operation was able to successfully disarm some of the Somalian clans.IN early 1993 , UNSOM II was initiated. This operation was supported by 23 countries and the purpose was to establish the order of the Somalia which restoring peace and restoring a legit government for Somalia. Failure of these missions include reasons such as inadequate support for the mission by UN. The resolution which created the mission was also not clear. This mission was also not given the consent by the parties to war in Somalia. Even though the troops were under UN flags expected protection Somalian troops attacks US led forces and several US soldiers died as a result .Thereafter many European countries immediately withdrawn their forces from Somalia. UNSOM II ended in 1995 and even though it was able to provide relief the mandate was not fulfilled. Failure in the operations in Somalia made the member countries reluctant to support missions in countries with civil war. And even though UN intervened there was no proper remedy was given to internal conflicts within Somalia as they are further continued.

UN Peacekeeping. (2021, November 25). Better World Campaign. https://betterworldcampaign.org/un-peacekeeping
United Nations Peace Operations. (n.d.). United Nations Peace Operations. https://www.unmissions.org/

World Report 2018: Rights Trends in Somalia. (2018, January 18). Human Rights Watch. https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2018/country-chapters/somalia



Eight facts about United Nations Peacekeeping in today’s world. (2019, May 28). Vision of Humanity. https://www.visionofhumanity.org/eight-facts-about-united-nations-peacekeeping-in-todays-world/

UN Peacekeeping. (2021, November 25). Better World Campaign. https://betterworldcampaign.org/un-peacekeeping

United Nations Peace Operations. (n.d.). United Nations Peace Operations. https://www.unmissions.org/

World Report 2018: Rights Trends in Somalia. (2018, January 18). Human Rights Watch. https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2018/country-chapters/somalia



Eight facts about United Nations Peacekeeping in today’s world. (2019, May 28). Vision of Humanity. https://www.visionofhumanity.org/eight-facts-about-united-nations-peacekeeping-in-todays-world/

UN Peacekeeping. (2021, November 25). Better World Campaign. https://betterworldcampaign.org/un-peacekeeping

United Nations Peace Operations. (n.d.). United Nations Peace Operations. https://www.unmissions.org/

World Report 2018: Rights Trends in Somalia. (2018, January 18). Human Rights Watch. https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2018/country-chapters/somalia

World Report 2018: Rights Trends in Somalia. (2018, January 18). Human Rights Watch. https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2018/country-chapters/somalia

rld Report 2018: Rights Trends in Somalia. (2018, January 18). Human Rights Watch. https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2018/country-chapters/somaddjc
